April 15th, 20
April 15th, 20
Daily Radio Bible Podcast
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April 15th, 20

Daily Radio Bible Podcast

APRIL 15, God is in the Business of Reversals

Our reading today is I Samuel 17, Psalm 9 and Matthew 2.  We are reading from the New Living Translation.

God seems to really like great reversals, where the weapons of the enemy are used against the enemy.  God has a way of exposing, and using, and reversing, the supposed strength of giants, to achieve his victory.  

Goliath stood defiantly over the people of God, and the God of Israel.  This giant was not just a huge human being. He also had weapons of war. But a young man named David, God’s anointed man, had nothing, other than a few smooth stones, a sling, and faith in a God who delights in reversing the strengths of an enemy into weakness. He believed in the God who loves reversals.  So, with only a young boy’s stone and sling, God defeated this well-armed giant.  The head of the defiant giant was severed with his own sword.  The Psalmist, David, says, over and over again,

They have dug a deep pit in my path, but they themselves have fallen into it. Ps 57:6 NLT

The greatest of all reversals is seen in the cross, an instrument used by the giant enemy of our souls, to crucify our Savior.  The cross was the very instrument that won our victory from sin, death and the grave. The cross is the greatest of all reversals.  The world will never know another reversal like this. 

You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good. He brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many people. Gen 50:20 NLT

God’s in the business of reversals. If you are in Christ, you know about this.  Today is a good day to remember this, and rejoice in it.  Saturday, the day before Easter, was a dark, silent day, when it looked like the giant had won. In fact, the taunts of the giant were the loudest that had ever been heard.  But if we look carefully, we can see in our mind’s eye, God’s anointed Shepherd, not a boy but a man. And Jesus, a far better man than David, is running out from the grave and into the battle, with a stone called resurrection, in his hand.  He has won the victory.  And because of this greatest of all reversals, people from all around the world, like you and me; broken people, from every tribe and nation and tongue, can experience the power to overcome, one giant after another.  

God brings about that great reversal for you and me.  It’s the power of the Holy Spirit’s anointing that enables us to do that.  Walk in the light of that great reversal that God’s anointing bestows on those he has called and loves. Whatever giant you are facing can be faced, not with sword or spear, but in the name of the victorious Lord of Heaven’s Armies. This day before Easter, rejoice in the victory won for you by your Champion, your Shepherd – your Jesus. Rejoice in the God of Reversals!

You are loved!