April 17th, 21
April 17th, 21
Daily Radio Bible Podcast
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April 17th, 21

Daily Radio Bible Podcast

Jesus is out in the desert being tempted by Satan. In the desert, he's demonstrating his union and dependence on his Father and the Spirit. On the outside, it seems that he's alone. And after 40 days of no food on the outside, it might seem that he's becoming weak. And this is the point of Satan's attack. When it appears that he is alone and weak, he challenges Jesus to break with his father and the Spirit, to save himself, to get what he came for, to satisfy himself to exalt himself to abandon the community of love that he shares with his father, and the spirit, to take the throne of solitary and sovereign power.

This, of course, is where Adam failed. He abandoned the community of love, for solitary and sovereign control. And this is where you and I fail. But where we fail, Jesus will not, seeing our need, he comes and does what we cannot. And because he overcomes, he wins for us our place back into the community of love.

Jesus would not be deterred, he would overcome the temptation by demonstrating his union and utter dependence upon his father, and the Spirit. He would win these battles and he would win the war. And because he won the war on the cross, all of humanity has been invited into God's community of love. And now he invites us to participate with him, in his community, with the Father and the Spirit, victorious with him over the evil one, ready to live a life of dependence upon God, living in the reality of our union with God and Christ. He says, Come and follow me in the kingdom of God. Union and communion, victory and joy are ours. He's offering this to whoever will hear. So today, let us hear Amen.


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