April 20th, 20
April 20th, 20
Daily Radio Bible Podcast
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April 20th, 20

Daily Radio Bible Podcast


Unless we die to our own efforts and come to Jesus for that life, we will miss the Kingdom entirely.   “The road is difficult” because it requires us to die to our own selfish way of life. That is why “few ever find it”. He is the Gate into that Kingdom life.  Living a life where we are doing unto others what we would like them to do to us, is the work of the Gospel in us. The Spirit of Christ transforms our very character and that is a gift from a  good Father. It’s not something earned, strived for, or sweated out to obtain. Not it’s a gift from God. As children, we are to trust our good Father. He won’t give us a snake if we asked for a fish.  He knows how to give good gifts that get to the essence of our very life and come after our heart. He is a good Father who gives his children good gifts. Ours is to ask for the good thing that, alone, can transform us from the inside out. Ours is to desire the gospel that transforms us at the level of our very essence, making us people that love our neighbor as ourselves.  We are to seek, knock, find and pursue him with all our heart, mind, strength and soul, by the power of his Spirit. Then we will begin to experience the heart of our Good Father and he will produce, in us, the good fruit of good trees. We will be able to live the way that we were always intended to live.

Allow God, through his Spirit, to transform the very essence of who you are.  His life in you will become a good tree that produces good fruit. Live with the awareness that your Father is good.

You are loved!