April 22nd, 20
April 22nd, 20
Daily Radio Bible Podcast
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April 22nd, 20

Daily Radio Bible Podcast

APRIL 23,  God out with His Authority - His Compassion - His Presence

I Samuel 27,  Psalm 141, I Chronicles 9 and Matthew 10

Jesus is sending them out two by two, with his credentials.  They’re going out as his disciples, with his authority and His message.  They’re also going out with his compassion.  

Jesus wants us to go out with his credentials and his compassion.  That’s what Jesus wants from us as his disciples. When we do that we begin to experience his kingdom. His kingdom life becomes alive to us. We begin to see him in a clearer light and experience his compassion in our own life in a new way.  

But we shouldn’t be surprised when people misunderstand,  or take offense when we experience persecution. That’s what Jesus experienced.  That’s what he did and that’s what came his way. He tells us quite plainly, that’s going to be the same for us too.  

Jesus still sends us out into this world just like he did with these 12.  He sends us with his credentials, his compassion and the presence of Christ himself - Christ in you  

He’s sending you out as his apprentice and he wants you to see this broken world the way he sees it.  He wants you to have a heart for broken people the way He does - for people like you and me.

You are loved!