April 23rd, 20
April 23rd, 20
Daily Radio Bible Podcast
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April 23rd, 20

Daily Radio Bible Podcast

APRIL 22,  See What He Sees

I Samuel 25 - 26, Psalm 63 and Matthew 9

There are just so many needs in this world. Jesus had compassion on the multitudes of people that were around him.  And yet, Jesus seems to look through the crowds and into the eyes of individuals.  He sees broken people like you and me - people in need of healing, deliverance, provision, hope and a new start: like the paralyzed man, the leper man, the bleeding woman, the parent of the dead child.  

There are needs everywhere.  Yet, Jesus seems to see through through the physical needs and right into the soul.  He sees our need for forgiveness, the cancer of shame and regret.  He has compassion there, too.  He says to that paralytic,

“Be encouraged, my child! Your sins are forgiven.” (Mt 9:2 NLT)

The same is true in our own lives.  Jesus wants us to see what he sees.  He wants us to see that he is the Saviour of the world.  He’s come to extend his compassionate kingdom into all the broken parts and hearts of this world.  He wants me to raise my eyes and see what he sees. He has compassion for the harvest fields; the blind, the bleeding, the paralyzed, the dead the sinner… all the people needing his compassionate forgiveness, mercy and life. 

That life is made available to all of us.  And Jesus wants us to see that.  We don’t achieve that life by our performance, by living a sinless life or fasting on the right days.  This life is made available to us through the One Man who lived the with-God life and satisfied what was needed for me and you, so that we can see what he sees.  We can live the life that he lived then, now.  

When we see the way God sees, the same response that welled up in his heart will well up in ours.  We’ll have compassion when we look out into the world and we’ll go out and work in the fields alongside him, empowered by him.  This is what God is up to here.  He wants us to see what he sees. And he invites us to join him in the fields, working alongside of him, with his power and strength in us.    

He’s heading out into the fields and he invites us to join him.  Go where he tells you to go and do what he tells you to do.  Work alongside of him, in his strength and joy.  


You are loved!