April 27th, 21
April 27th, 21
Daily Radio Bible Podcast
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April 27th, 21

Daily Radio Bible Podcast

Not all troubles are as they seem on all storms as they appear. Sometimes tests aren't just pass and fail. Sometimes there's teaching in the test. And God wants to instruct us towards something really important in those tests, and sometimes he marshals some pretty interesting teaching assistants, like the wind and the waves. In this story, they seem to be working in concert with Jesus, the teacher to help teach these boys, it appears that the most optimal time for learning is not when things are calm, and conditions are good. Rather, it seems that the best time to learn is when things aren't all that great. When the storm is brewing and the wind is blowing. It's during the night when the boys are tired and afraid. And they are at their weakest that Jesus invites Peter to get out of that boat and walk on the water in the storm. It's not during flat, calm conditions, or when Peter is well rested. No, it's when Peter is weak. When Peter is at a weak point, he's doing things that before were completely unimaginable to him. We have to come to an end, before we can begin. It's the lesson of letting God be God. As we keep our eyes on him during the storm. It's then that we experience His power in and through us in ways that before were completely unthinkable. We can choose to take our eyes off of him and put them on the wind and the waves. And if we do the results would be the same as they were with Peter will sync. The storm can draw our focus to him or away from him. The choice is ultimately ours. He's wanting us to learn that it's at our weakest that we can find him most strong. And that God delights to show himself strong, even when we're weak. He invites us out into that storm, when we're tired and completely spent. That's what he wants us to get out of that boat and begin to walk with Him. Be mindful that when the wind and the waves are blowing, Jesus's teaching something, He's inviting you to walk toward him. To fix your eyes on him, even when you're exhausted. It's then that we are fully alive. As we trust him. He helps us to do impossible things. Like walk on water to do things we never thought we could in the Paramount heart today that I'll draw my focus to him that I'll heed his call to come and that I'll know his joy. That's the prayer that I have for my own soul. And that's a prayer that I have for my family for my wife and my daughters and my son. And that's the prayer that I have for you. May it be so


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