August 20th, 20
August 20th, 20
Daily Radio Bible Podcast
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August 20th, 20

Daily Radio Bible Podcast

True Satisfaction

Today’s readings are Jeremiah 21, 24, 27, Psalm 118, and I John 2.  We are reading from the New Living Translation.

Cravings.  We all get them.  The world offers us strong cravings for physical pleasure in the things we see in this world, possessions, and pride in our achievements. Like all cravings, they are never satisfied. We are left empty in the end, wanting more.  They never deliver.  These cravings are self-focussed and self-indulgent.  When we give into them we get stuck.  We become shallow, hollowed out, empty people- people who are always craving more. And the more we crave the emptier and more hollow our lives become.  But John wants to direct us to another way; a way made available to all Christians by the presence of Christ’s spirit in us.  

Because of his life in you, you can live a life that goes beyond yourself; a life that truly satisfies, a life focussed on walking with God, serving and loving others.  Responding to the Spirit of Christ in us begins a life of living Christ-focussed. It enables us to move beyond the endless cycles of cravings, emptiness, and despair.  Instead we can experience hope, love, joy, kindness – a fruitful and meaningful life. 

The cravings of this world are strong but there is something far more powerful available to you now – and that is Christ in you, your hope and your glory.  May you find your true satisfaction there, today,.  Develop a desire for and find true satisfaction in Him.

You are loved!