August 26th, 20
August 26th, 20
Daily Radio Bible Podcast
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August 26th, 20

Daily Radio Bible Podcast

It Ends with a Song

Today’s readings are Jeremiah 52, Revelation 1 and Psalm 143 – 144.   We are reading from the New Living Translation.

For the first time this year we ended our reading with a song.  We heard today in Jeremiah, of exile, judgement.  We heard of a king and kingdom blinded, levelled to the ground, in ruins.  From Jeremiah we went to John, in Revelation, who spoke of rebuilding from the ruins.  Out of the rubble emerges a Rock – someone like the Son of Man.  He is a  King far greater than Zedekiah.  This king has a gold sash across his chest, his head and hair white like wool, his eyes like flames of fire, feet like polished bronze refined in a furnace,  and a voice that thunders like mighty ocean waves.  This king has arrived and is gathering up all the exiles, those who were led away into captivity, a land of fear, oppression and depression  He is gathering up all the broken ones from the rubble and devastation of their lives and the years of exile.  This Rock comes to lead them home to his new kingdom.  On the way, he is teaching them a new song of hope and deliverance.  It is a song that will lead them into a life that is eternal and free. It goes like this:   

May there be no enemy breaking through our walls,

   no going into captivity, no cries of alarm in our town squares.

Yes, joyful are those who live like this!

   Joyful indeed are those whose God is the Lord.  (Ps 144:14 NLT)

The reading today ends with a song.  And that is going to be the story of our lives, as well, my friend.  It will end with a song that leads us forward, to life eternal.  A new king has arrived and there is no one like him.  

Have this song in your heart.  Be more and more convinced and devoted to the message of this song, about his love, that sets us free.  Head on down the road with him today.

You are loved!