August 2nd, 20
August 2nd, 20
Daily Radio Bible Podcast
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August 2nd, 20

Daily Radio Bible Podcast

The Love of God in Us

Today’s readings are Nahum 1 – 3 and John 5.  We are reading from the New Living Translation.

Is God’s love in you?  If not,  you may look pious and seem religious, but you will have missed God altogether. In John 5:41 Jesus tells the religious leaders:  your approval means nothing to me because you don’t have God’s love in you.  

He knew they didn’t have the love of God in their hearts. Jesus had just told them: You study the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. (Jn 5:39 NLT)

We would all benefit from starting with our own heart.  Ask the question, Do I have God’s love within me?  You can point to Moses or your genealogical connection the the faith, but Moses is pointing to the heart, too.  Moses and his law says, let my light shine on your heart.  That light will expose brokenness, sin, and need. The light of the law reveals that we don’t have the answer, but God does. Moses will shine the light on your heart and then point you to God’s answer.  And that answer isn’t you, your effort, performance, piety, or position. No, the answer is the love of God revealed to us in Christ – the love of God revealed in our hearts.  

We must receive this gift so God can find what he‘s looking for in our hearts – His love.  And that love will make all the difference.  Then Jesus’ approval of us is guaranteed because he put that love there.  We can’t give what we don’t have.  But when we have his love, we can offer it to this hurting world.  Do you have God’s love in your heart?

Receive that love, revealed to you in Christ, this very day.  Rest in the love offered to you. And receive his abundant joy, the confidence of his approval, and the life that He alone can give.  

You are loved!