His life is for everyone, and He is impartial. Jesus’ message of life is for all—without favoritism, without boundaries. It transcends nationality, political affiliation, race, and gender. It doesn’t matter who you are or where yo…
His life is for everyone, and He is impartial. Jesus’ message of life is for all—without favoritism, without boundaries. It transcends nationality, political affiliation, race, and gender. It doesn’t matter who you are or where yo…
What’s It All About? Have you ever found yourself reading through the detailed instructions for the tabernacle in Exodus and wondered, "What’s it all about?" The seemingly endless list of specifications—so specific, so exact&mdash…
Our message is simple, but how often do we get it wrong? Ananias and Sapphira missed it. The high council and religious leaders missed it too. And, truth be told, many of us miss it as well. Ananias and Sapphira thought the message was about gainin…
He Sees Us and Makes Us Upright As Peter and John passed through the gate called Beautiful, they encountered a man who had been lame from birth. This man wasn’t just seeking charity; he was yearning to be seen. And Peter and John, following t…
All hell was breaking loose, yet Luke tells us that the people rested. On the day of Christ’s suffering—when the horrors of Good Friday reached their climax—something extraordinary happened: rest. The women from Galilee, who had f…
Jesus meets these 2 men on the way to a little town outside of Jerusalem. It's a 7 mile walk, and the town is called Emmaus. Their hearts are dejected, their hopes and aspirations dashed, they're broken. Having followed Jesus through his ministry, t…
All hell was breaking loose, and Luke tells us that the people rested. The horrors of this day, the day of Christ's suffering, are culminating in a moment of rest. The women from Galilee who had witnessed Jesus' body being taken down from the cross …
No other witnesses are required. Why do we need any more witnesses? These are the last words shouted out in the trial of Jesus, and they're right. Why do we need any other witnesses? Everything he said that would happen has happened. Everything tha…
Come early and receive from him. Luke tells us at the end of this passage that the crowds gathered at the temple early each morning to hear Jesus. That may be what you're doing right now. Early in the morning, you've come to hear him. We live in a w…