Our message is simple, but how often do we get it wrong? Ananias and Sapphira missed it. The high council and religious leaders missed it too. And, truth be told, many of us miss it as well.
Ananias and Sapphira thought the message was about gaining position, influence, and prominence. They sold their land, not to give, but to get. The religious leaders opposed the message because they saw it as a threat to their control and power. Both manipulated and misunderstood the true message of God.
Even today, both inside and outside the church, the message is often misused. We twist it, manipulate it, or resist it altogether. But in today’s reading from Acts 5, we are reminded of how simple God’s message really is. An angel appeared to Peter and John and said, “Go to the temple and give the people this message of… life.”
That’s it. Life.
Jesus said it plainly in John 10:10: “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” The message is not about power, prestige, or control. It’s not about manipulating others or seeking personal gain. It’s about experiencing and sharing the life that Jesus offers.
In Him is life—the life that is the light of all humanity (John 1:4). It’s the most profound and liberating truth we could ever hope for: God invites us to share in His life.
So let go of false messages. Let go of the need to manipulate or justify yourself. Say yes to the life Jesus offers. Awaken to the abundant life that’s already yours in Him. Walk with Him. Participate in His life.
You can begin today with a simple prayer:
Thank you for life, Lord Jesus. I will walk with you today. I will participate with you today in your life.
And that, my friends, is the prayer I hold close to my own soul. It’s the prayer I have for my wife, my daughters, my son, and for you.
May it be so.