Daily Radio Bible - April 3rd, 22
Daily Radio Bible - April 3rd, 22
Day 93:  Christ in You - Your Hope and Glory Our reading today is Judges 19 – 21 and  II Corinthians 4.
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Daily Radio Bible - April 3rd, 22

Day 93:  Christ in You - Your Hope and Glory Our reading today is Judges 19 – 21 and  II Corinthians 4.

 Christ in You - Your Hope and Glory

Our reading today is Judges 19 – 21 and  II Corinthians 4.  We are reading from the New Living Translation.

You are a fragrant perfume.  You are a letter.  You are a fragile clay jar.  Paul uses all three of these metaphors to describe the quality of our Christian life.  How does a clay jar live?  Paul says that this clay jar, that is our life, contains a great treasure.  And this treasure that dwells within us, clearly demonstrates God’s power and not our own. It reflects something eternal.  The treasure is Christ himself, in you.  The life within these clay jars is Christ himself.  So how do we live?  We live in Christ, in His power and His strength.  And because it is Christ that lives within us, we are told that we should never give up.  And we should be ready to speak up and proclaim this life of God in Christ, now found in us, and offered to all who believe.  Never give up.  Be ready to speak up.  And we, as fragile clay jars, are told to fix our gaze on Jesus.  We are to fix our eye on Him and not on our temporal troubles.  We are to look to Him who is eternal. 

When we read some of these accounts in the Old Testament, we can begin to question the character of God.  But many of these troubling stories are a reflection of what people can behave like when they are not walking in the truth of who they are in Christ.  Our instruction is to keep our eyes on Christ because it is there that we see and know the true heart of our Father.

We now have this light shining in our hearts, but we ourselves are like fragile clay jars containing this great treasure.  This makes it clear that our great power is from God, not from ourselves.  II Cor 7:4

You are a fragrant perfume.  You are a letter proclaiming the Gospel, written upon your hearts.  And now you are a fragile clay jar that contains a precious, priceless, powerful treasure – and that treasure is Christ.  Christ in you – and you, in Christ.   T hat’s the Christian life.  The life of Christ in us gives us hope and helps us to endure our hardships.  It gets us through all the struggles of life and gives us a vision of things eternal, lasting, true and good.

You are a clay jar, but inside is Christ in you.  It’s your hope and glory.

You are loved!