Daily Radio Bible - April 6th, 22
Daily Radio Bible - April 6th, 22
Day 96:BARREN NO MORE: I Samuel 1- 2,  Psalm 66, and II Corinthians 7.
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Daily Radio Bible - April 6th, 22

Day 96:BARREN NO MORE: I Samuel 1- 2,  Psalm 66, and II Corinthians 7.


Our reading today is I Samuel 1- 2,  Psalm 66, and II Corinthians 7.  We are reading from the New Living Translation.

Hannah wants a child.  She is a childless mother and longs for life.  We see this story time and time again throughout the Bible - the inability to conceive and have a child. There were seven women we’re told of in the Bible who wanted life. Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, Samson’s mother, Hannah, Micah, and Elizabeth, all wanted life.  They wanted a child.  They wanted to conceive life.

Our inability to conceive life goes far beyond motherhood.  We are all spiritually barren.  But those who cry out to God - He hears. God enables us to conceive life. He produces, in us,  the life we desire.  Not through Samuel or Hophini or Phinneaus, or anyone else.  

No. Our ability to conceive the life we desire will come from another Nazarite, a far better Nazarite - Jesus, of Nazareth.  He is our high Priest.  Because he has heard our cry for life He has offered up his own life as a sacrifice for us - purchasing for us the life we always wanted.  We are barren no more.  We are offered a life free from condemnation and the penalty of the past, and free from past shame.  We are free to start over, to love and be loved, and free to know life.  We are unable to conceive this great life that we desire, apart from God.  But God has conceived life for all through his son, a better Nazarite.  Jesus of Nazareth is our High Priest, Redeemer and Friend.  He has made it possible to have the life we desire.

Remind yourself of the abundant life that he alone brings to you, and live in that new life, today.

You are loved!