Daily Radio Bible - August 10th, 22
Daily Radio Bible - August 10th, 22
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Daily Radio Bible - August 10th, 22

Follow our other podcasts at  Partner with us to produce these podcasts by donating . We are reading through the Listen to our daily podcast for Kids Listen to the Daily Proverbs podcast. Follow Today's reading Washed Clean We are...

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We are reading through the New Living Translation. 

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Follow Today's reading Jeremiah 7-9; John 13

Washed Clean

We are reading from the New Living Translation.

You have to get washed and He has to wash you.  You have to humbly accept Jesus’ care over your life, as he washes your feet. If you don’t, Jesus says, you’re going to miss him.  You’re not going to get him, understand what he is all about. There’s a difference between union and communion.  Peter and the Twelve were united with Christ. They were one with Christ.  But, just like you and I, their feet got dirty because they were walking in a fallen, broken, and dirty world. Journeying through this life takes a toll on us and our souls need to be drawn in, over and over again, to our  life with him. We need to be realigned, renewed, refreshed.  We need to be washed clean and come into communion with him again. So Jesus insists on cleaning our feet,.  When he cleans our feet he is reminding us of who we are in Him. You are my son.  You are my daughter, You are one with me.  Jesus insists on caring for us throughout our lives – washing our feet, reminding us of his intimate care and grace, and offering it to us each day.

It’s a humbling thing for someone to wash our feet but our souls are in need of the humbling reality of Christ serving us.  Our pride, like Peter’s,  wants to rise up and demand otherwise.  You will never ever wash my feet! (Jn 13:8 NLT) The flesh, the pride always refuses.  But the presence of Christ humbles us and teaches us. In this moment he teaches us who we are, and what we are to become.  We are chosen, and we are in him, we have union with God.  And we are invited to participate with him, as servants of God.   There is union, and there is communion.  Our union has been forged through the life, death and resurrection of Christ, and Christ alone.   our communion is where we participate with Him in who we now have become,  and join in on what he is now doing.  

Today he continues to wash us, even through his word, through what we’re doing right now.  You may not have noticed this, but while we were hearing the word today, something else was happening.  Christ was serving you, your soul, washing our feet.  Ephesians 5:25 says,

We are washed by the cleansing of God’s word.

He’s washing our feet as we listen to and respond to his word each day.  Jesus says to you what he said to Peter,

Those who have had a bath need only to wash their feet; their whole body is clean. (Jn13:10 NIV)  

The water of my Word, washing your feet, is going to be a part of our life together, from here on out.

Don’t let your pride and flesh stand in the way of Christ serving you in this most humbling of ways.  Next time you come to the Word envision Jesus – the creator of all things – washing your feet! Let it be a reminder that you are one with Christ and that you need him to renew, restore, clean you , and that you are loved.  And let that love move beyond you and into the world, to others – so that you can love the way he loved and serve the way he served, and be free.   You walk in a world where your feet get dirty and you need him every day, to make you clean.  Receive the cleansing love of Christ today.

You are loved!