Daily Radio Bible - August 18th, 21
Daily Radio Bible - August 18th, 21
Daily Radio Bible Podcast
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Daily Radio Bible - August 18th, 21

Daily Radio Bible Podcast

In Jeremiah, we see pages of God's Word set on fire by an evil king. But the Word of God cannot be extinguished. Instead, the word was rewritten, with much more than was written before. The Prophet wrote down word for word what he was told. He then proclaimed it before the people and the king. The Evil King dissects each passage from the scroll and consigns it to the fire. The King thought he could stand in judgment over God's word, he thought his little fire would put an end to what God was doing. But the word comes back, it cannot be extinguished. It was burned in the ashes, but out of the ashes, it emerges, once again, proclaimed again, what God would do in this time, it's with much more, we're told.

Our reading in John these last two days tells a very similar story. The evil kings Satan, the enemy of our souls, also wants to put an end to what God's living word Jesus is doing, by sentencing Him to the fiery judgment of the cross. But the cross can't stop God from doing what he intends to do. In fact, it is on the cross where he accomplishes what he must do, to free us from the kingdom of death and darkness. On the cross Jesus was consigned to the flames of judgment, to death, darkness and despair. But as great as that fire was, it could not extinguish the living word of God. Like Jeremiah's scroll that was rewritten, Jesus would be resurrected, he would be the first fruits of all those who would be resurrected into God's much more life. He consigned himself to the cross for us. And he was resurrected into new life for us. So that we can have much more life, abundant life in him. And that's the prayer that I have for my own soul today. That I'll move beyond the ashes and move into the much more of life in Christ. That's a prayer that I have for my family for my wife, my daughters, my son. And that's a prayer that I have for you. May be so

You are loved!