Daily Radio Bible - August 30th, 21
Daily Radio Bible - August 30th, 21
Daily Radio Bible Podcast
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Daily Radio Bible - August 30th, 21

Daily Radio Bible Podcast

He's at the center. Do you see it? He's sitting there on the throne. JOHN tells us that around the throne are four living beings. And around the living beings, are Elders, and around the elders are a great choir of thousands. But at the center of it all, is the one who's on the throne, Christ, the lamb. He's at the center of the world that is unseen, at the center of all that is, and ought to be and will soon be to come. Our problem is that we don't have enough eyes to see, and we are off center. Things are not in their proper place. In Heaven, we see Christ at the center of at all. When he's in his rightful place, then worship breaks out and things begin to make sense. aligning our lives with what is, and participating with the one who is at the center, is when we will find the joy, the power, the life that we were made for. It's a simple observation, but one not to be missed. The many eyed creatures they all see it, John, he sees it. And John is trying to give us eyes, so that we too might see. Christ is at the center of what really is happening right now. of things as they are, and as they forever will be right now. May you have eyes to see. May you begin to participate with his life this day. May Jesus be at the center of your heart and affections. And may worship breakout. That's the prayer that I have for my own soul. That's the prayer that I have for my family, for my wife, and my daughters, and my son. And that's the prayer that I have for you may be so

You are loved!