Daily Radio Bible - August 7th, 21
Daily Radio Bible - August 7th, 21
Daily Radio Bible Podcast
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Daily Radio Bible - August 7th, 21

Daily Radio Bible Podcast

What then was God going to do with the human race that's incapable of seeing?  God being good came in person to shine his light into our darkness...that's what he's done. The light of the world is standing in front of this blind man, and he takes the dust of the earth, and he spits on it, and he rubs it into the man's eyes, and he remakes what was once incapable of sight. God's power was now evident in this healing. And we have every indication from the short story that this man truly saw the light, the light of the world has come. And yet, there is so much that keeps us in the dark.  Lies continue to imprison us in darkness, even good Christian folks, lies about God, that we are somehow separate from him, that he is distant and angry and waiting to strike us, ready to judge us ready to judge you or your parents because of your past, ready to make an example of you. We are blinded to the true nature of God. somehow we've been convinced that God is primarily concerned about retribution, rather than restoration, that God is primarily judge, instead of father. Our religion has blinded us to who he really is, our religion has painted all of our fears and anxieties on to the face of God. And so, we do not see even though the light is right there. Right now. Are you tired of the darkness? Then let Jesus open your eyes to who God really is. Philip said, show us the Father and we will be satisfied. And Jesus response was Philip, have I been with you? All this time and you still don't know me? When you see me? You see the father? I and My Father are one. There is no shadow side behind me. Do you see me reaching out and healing? Those who others think are somehow cursed and condemned? Do you see me loving the poor, the unlovely, the outsider. Do you see myself giving radically forgiving, co suffering love? Then what you see is what you've got. You've got the light of the world. let Jesus open your eyes to who God is and who you already truly are in him. Let him show you. Let him open your eyes. And see that's the prayer that I have for my own soul. That's a prayer that I have for my family for my wife and my daughters and my son. And that's a prayer that I have for you. May it be so

You are loved!