Daily Radio Bible - August 9th, 21
Daily Radio Bible - August 9th, 21
Daily Radio Bible Podcast
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Daily Radio Bible - August 9th, 21

Daily Radio Bible Podcast

Thomas was full of good intentions and bold declarations. Let's go to and die with Jesus He said, But Thomas had to learn that all the best intentions, all the bold declarations cannot overcome the reality of our brokenness, our slavery to the flesh, and the certainty of the grave. What we need is a better twin than Thomas. We need someone who can do for us what we cannot do for ourselves. We need a twin, who will triumph over death and reconcile us to God, we need someone who has emerged from the tomb, someone who will draw us into His resurrection life right here right now. That's what Thomas would need. And that's what Thomas would eventually get. But it wouldn't be accomplished by his good intentions, his piety or his boldness. He didn't see it at first. But soon he would see and believe that his friend Jesus would stick closer than a brother, even closer than a twin. And that brother would make a way for him and for us, to come out of the grave, to remove our grave clothes and step into new life. Jesus, our brother has overcome our brokenness, our slavery to sin, and the certainty of the grave. And now he calls us by name, to come out from the grave and join him in his life. And the prayer of my own heart today is that I will see and understand and experience what Christ has done, that I will participate in the life that is mine now, in Him. That's the prayer that I have for my own soul. That's the prayer that I have for my family, for my wife, my daughter's my son. And that's a prayer that I have for you may be so.

You are loved!