Daily Radio Bible - February 21st, 22
Daily Radio Bible - February 21st, 22
Day 53: He Makes Us Clean. Numbers 10-11; Psalm 27; Mark 1
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Daily Radio Bible - February 21st, 22

Day 53: He Makes Us Clean. Numbers 10-11; Psalm 27; Mark 1

He Makes Us Clean

Numbers 10-11; Psalms 27 and Mark 1. We are reading through the New Living Translation.

Joshua is not too sure about these other 70 people who have received the Spirit of God, the same Spirit Moses received.  But there was no question in Moses’ mind.  He wanted all God’s people to have what he had.

Jesus says, in Luke’s Gospel, that the Spirit of God was upon Him, to preach the Good News to the poor.  in the power of that Spirit, he’s bringing the message of Life to all God’s people. Because Jesus wants all people to have what he has. That’s what we see here in Mark one.  He’s taking it to fishermen, to the sick, the demon possessed, and the leper.  In fact, Mark ends this chapter telling us that the lepers – those that were unclean, were some of the best spokespersons that Jesus ever had.  It was the leper who went and spread the Word, proclaiming to everyone what had happened!  Those are the final words of this chapter. And as a result of this leper telling everyone, we’re told that Jesus was surrounded, as crowds came to him from everywhere.

That story continues on even today.  Someone today, is being made clean because the Spirit of God has come and invaded and interrupted their lives.  God, in his great love and mercy for all people, is reaching into the lives of people who know they are unclean.  They are unclean, leprous exiles, exiled from others and even from themselves  They are broken and defeated.  And yet, the Spirit of God has come to them, just like in this story. Jesus was willing to reach out his hands in compassion and touch the unclean leper and make him clean. 

Jesus never stops doing this. He never stops reaching out his hands of compassion and making people clean.  He’s doing it today.  And as a result, all the former lepers are doing what this leper did.  They’re letting the world know that Jesus has reached out his hands of love and made them new.  That’s happening everywhere, for the first time, even today.  Maybe this is happening to you  right now, even as you read this.  

That’s what this podcast is all about. Jesus is willing to make you clean and heal your broken soul.  Live in the newness of what He is doing, by His Spirit.  Abiding in Him, we can live the with-God life, today.


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