Daily Radio Bible - February 25th, 22
Daily Radio Bible - February 25th, 22
Day 57: He Sees. Numbers 19 - 20, Psalm 28, and Mark 5
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Daily Radio Bible - February 25th, 22

Day 57: He Sees. Numbers 19 - 20, Psalm 28, and Mark 5

He Sees

Numbers 19 - 20, Psalm 28, and Mark 5

A man named Jairus, a synagogue ruler, falls on his knees before Jesus and begs him:  Please come and put your hands on my 12-year-old daughter, so that she will be healed and live. Mark tells of another person who is reaching her hands out for Jesus.  He doesn’t give us her name.  This unnamed woman has been waiting, bleeding for 12 long years.  Everything she has is spent.  Every possible option has been exhausted.  She is dying too.  And she needs Jesus to reach out his hands and touch her. 

Jesus responds to both of them -  the prominent man, Jairus, that everyone knew, and this unnamed woman that nobody knows.  He’s there for them both.  He’s there to do what he set out to do - to reach out his hands of compassion and stop the bleeding - to stop death.  And he’s going to do it by pouring out his own blood and offering up his own life, so that all people everywhere, the somebodies and the seeming nobodies, will know His redeeming love.  

He sees you.  He reaches out his hands in love, comes into your home, takes you by the hand and speaks life.  Talith kahoum - little girl, rise up! That is the Gospel.  That’s the heart of our God.  This is the message that we are privileged to take to the world.  

Live in the light of this Man who comes, with hands outstretched, ready to step into your home.  He comes to stop the bleeding and to place his hands where the wound is.  He comes to speak his life into those places that have long been dead, and to make you new.  Live in Him.  



You are loved!