Daily Radio Bible - January 20th, 22
Daily Radio Bible - January 20th, 22
Daily Radio Bible Podcast
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Daily Radio Bible - January 20th, 22

Daily Radio Bible Podcast

Have You Been Blessed?

Genesis 49 - 50, Psalm 8, Luke 20

 od, over your life?   Has anyone spoken over you of God’s design on your life and the destiny you have yet to fulfill in God? Has anyone ever blessed you?  You were made for that kind of blessing.  You were created to be blessed.  

Our destiny is somehow wrapped up in this thing called ‘blessing’. When words of blessing fail to reach our life and our ears it has hard consequences on us.  We are restless until we find that Blessing from God, that were were made for.  

Many of you may be able to say that you have received those kinds of words.  You have been blessed this way.  People have spoken these kinds of words on behalf of God, over your life.  They have recognized what God is doing in you life, how he has made you,  what he has called and created you for.   And that has made all the difference.   

But I’d guess that many of you have not heard or received those words of Blessing.  You need to know that you were made for it. God wants to speak those words of life into your life.  He wants you to know how uniquely you have been made and what your purposes are.  He loves you and desires to bless you.  He wants you to know it.  

My prayer is that as you meet him in the Word, every day, you will hear him speak his words of Blessing over you.  Hear him speak deeply into your life, and know that you are loved and blessed. 


You are loved!