Daily Radio Bible - March 16th, 22
Daily Radio Bible - March 16th, 22
Day 75: He is our Land of Promise: Deuteronomy 32 – 34 and I Corinthians 2
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Daily Radio Bible - March 16th, 22

Day 75: He is our Land of Promise: Deuteronomy 32 – 34 and I Corinthians 2

 He is our Land of Promise

Our reading today is Deuteronomy 32 – 34 and I Corinthians 2.  We are reading from the New Living Translation.

In our reading today we see Moses on the mountain.  He didn’t make it into the Promised Land – at least not yet.  He was a man of the Law. And it’s not by the Law that we enter into the Promise.  But Joshua did enter.  He represents the way of Faith. Righteousness is by grace, through faith.  Joshua is a picture of Christ.  Even his name reflects this. Yeshua – Jesus.  Our Yeshua leads us into the land of Promise.  He leads us into Life and the Promise of God.  It doesn’t come through the Law.  It comes through the Cross. It comes through His life given for you and for me.  

Paul calls this the Wisdom of God, in our I Corinthians reading today.  We are saved by grace, through faith in Jesus’ work on the cross.  That’s God’s wisdom.   It’s not tradition, ethnicity, the world’s wisdom, or our political affiliation.  It’s only by God’s Spirit.  It’s God’s work  and we get to live in it. We get to say thank you and walk into the land that’s been won for us, by Him.

Moses goes up the mountain and takes a good look around. He sees that land but he won’t enter – at least right then.  Then we’re told that he heads out into the desert, and there he dies and is buried in some unmarked grave.  But don’t feel too bad for Moses.  God knew where he was buried.  God was with him.  God never abandonment him.  God never does that.  In fact... We will see him again.  We will see him with Elijah and our Lord, on the Mount of Transfiguration.  No longer is he looking from a distance, on Mount Pisgah.  Now he’s standing on a whole new Mountain.  His feet have touched down in the Land.  He’s made it across the Jordan.  He’s standing in the Promise.  He is face to face with the Promise, looking into the eyes of Jesus.  Jesus has worked all things out for Moses. That’s what Jesus does.

And that’s true, not just for Moses, but for you, too.  God is working out his purposes in your life. He will not forget about you, he knows where you are. He has not abandoned you. And he will not leave you out in some desert wasteland in an unmarked grave.  No.  He will be faithful to complete the good work that he began in you. And you like Moses will see Jesus face to face.  

And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.(Phil 1:6)

Trust in the wisdom of God, seen in the face of Christ. Rest easy in the work of Christ, accomplished for us.

You are loved!