Daily Radio Bible - March 17th, 22
Daily Radio Bible - March 17th, 22
Day 76:  Be Strong and Courageous!: Joshua 1 -2, Psalm 37, I Corinthians 3.
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Daily Radio Bible - March 17th, 22

Day 76:  Be Strong and Courageous!: Joshua 1 -2, Psalm 37, I Corinthians 3.

 Be Strong and Courageous!

Our readings today are Joshua 1 -2, Psalm 37, I Corinthians 3.  We are reading in the New Living Translation.

This is my command--be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the LORD your God is with you wherever you go. (Joshua 1:9 NLT)

Be strong and courageous, the Lord tells Joshua.   He also tells Joshua that wherever he places his foot, God will give him that land.  In other words, God is saying, I will be with you each step of the way and enable you to claim all that is yours. It is so beautiful and encouraging that the first steps they take in to this Promised land, take them to the most unlikely of places.  

They step into the home of the prostitute, Rahab.  Through them, God is going in, to take possession of what is His. Rahab is his.  Her heart is His.  Her family belongs to Him.  The scarlet thread of redemption is woven through the most unlikely of places, and brings salvation to the most unlikely of homes – the home of a prostitute, Rahab.  And Rahab’s life plays into our redemption story. She is right there in the genealogical line of another Joshua – Jeshua - Jesus - who would come hundreds of years later.  She is a direct ancestor of Jesus – the Messiah – the Lamb of God!

God’s feet came to Rahab.  And they have come to you.  They have come to the world. He is taking possession of your life and invading the home of your family and the world.

How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of the messenger who brings good news, the good news of peace and salvation, the news that the God of Israel reigns! (Isa 52:7)

God sends his Gospel to the most unlikely of places.  Somehow, he gave priority to this woman.  Above all the other citizens of Jericho, he went to her house.

God makes you a priority, too.  He comes after your heart.  Live in the light of this God who has pursued you and has come to your house.  May you know that love today, and share it with others.

You are loved!