Daily Radio Bible - March 30th, 22
Daily Radio Bible - March 30th, 22
Day 88: God’s Way Will See God’s Provision Judges 9,  Psalm 49, and I Corinthians 16
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Daily Radio Bible - March 30th, 22

Day 88: God’s Way Will See God’s Provision Judges 9,  Psalm 49, and I Corinthians 16

God’s Way Will See God’s Provision

Judges 9,  Psalm 49, and I Corinthians 16

Will it be seventy coins or seventy brothers?  Will it be my way or God’s way? 

Abimilech, the son of Gideon, had a choice that day.  He could choose his seventy brothers or he could choose the seventy coins that he would us to hire those who would kill his seventy brothers.  He could have life on his terms or he could be king in his own eyes, with those seventy coins.  

It seems God is always giving us the opportunity to reaffirm our decision to make this life about us or make it about God.  I can choose my way or I can choose God’s way. My way always leads to blindness.   God’s way, will lead to awakening, and I will see God’s provision, God’s victory and God’s peace.  Abimilech should have known that.  He should have seen that in his own father Gideon’s life.  But he chose not to see that.  He chose to see his way. Abimilech would choose the seventy coins.  

Then all the leading citizens of Shechem and Beth-millo called a meeting under the oak beside the pillar at Shechem and made Abimelech their king. (Judges 9:6 NLT)

His seventy brothers, and many more, would soon lose their lives there.  And Abimilech himself would lose his life.

Abraham made a choice under an oak tree at Shechem many years prior to this.  And he chose God’s way.  Under that tree he reaffirmed his covenant relationship with God.  And through him came the birth of many ‘brothers’ - from every tribe, language, nation and people, all over the world.  People like you and me have been added to the family of God, because someone like Abraham chose God’s way and not his own way. 

And God’s way was for his Son , a descendant of Abraham, to come and choose God’s way over and over again, - ultimately on the Cross.  He offered himself on a Tree, so that I might have the power to choose God’s way and experience God’s life every day.  God now lives in and through you and me. Christ himself  is reinhabiting people like us - so that we might choose God’s way over and over again, every day.  Then we can experience his life, provision, power and peace. 

You can choose your way or God’s way.  But you have to choose.  There comes a day when we all have to choose  What kind of life are we going to live?  Who’s going to be King?  Will you make yourself king under the oak tree at Shechem or will you reaffirm your promise to the King of Kings, and make this whole thing about Him and not about you?

Choose his way.  Choose life.  Choose Christ, the one who purchased your life on a Tree.

You are loved!