Daily Radio Bible - May 16th, 22
Daily Radio Bible - May 16th, 22
FAITH PROMPTS.  HIS POWER ACCOMPLISHES. I Kings 2, I Chronicles 29, Psalm 95 and II Thessalonians 1
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Daily Radio Bible - May 16th, 22

FAITH PROMPTS.  HIS POWER ACCOMPLISHES. I Kings 2, I Chronicles 29, Psalm 95 and II Thessalonians 1


I Kings 2, I Chronicles 29, Psalm 95 and II Thessalonians 1

Faith prompts.  His power accomplishes. That’s what we read here in I Thessalonians 1:11. 

May he give you the power to accomplish all the good things your faith prompts you to do. 

It’s not me who prompts and accomplishes.  David learned this.  It was his faith that prompted him to build a house for the Lord, his God.  But it wasn’t to be done in the power of David.  It would be done in the power of the son, his son Solomon. 

The same is true in our lives.  We are prompted, by faith, to prepare and to build.  But it is the Son who has the power to accomplish all that has been born in our hearts. The son draws us into his life, and we begin to participate with him in his life and work now.  This power comes through a Son far greater than Solomon.  

It is his life living in and through you that will accomplish all that faith has prompted you to trust God for.  Faith prompts but it is the Son who accomplishes - his power, not ours; His wisdom, not ours; his time, not ours.

Later Paul ends I Thessalonians by saying, 

May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do it. (I Thess 5:23-24 NIV)

Faith prompts, but His power accomplishes. The son draws us into his life, and we participate in his life and work, even now.    Christ in you, is your hope and glory, and your power.  Learn to live in and participate in Christ’s life today. 

You are loved!