Daily Radio Bible - November 15th, 211
Daily Radio Bible - November 15th, 211
Daily Radio Bible Podcast
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Daily Radio Bible - November 15th, 211

Daily Radio Bible Podcast

Where do you go when you need forgiveness? When you've done wrong, and guilt and shame smother you like a wet blanket? Where do you go? Or how about this question? Where do the people in your life go? When they need comfort and forgiveness? Do they go to you for comfort and forgiveness? Are they drawn to you? almost intuitively, because they know that in you they'll find grace, kindness, a listening ear. When that person in your life needs comfort and forgiveness, do they come to you? But here's the thing, where you go, will help determine where they go. If you go to your gracious God, your heavenly Father, and ask the Holy Spirit to comfort you, during your times of deep grief, loss and disappointment. If you're going to the Comforter to receive comfort, then it might be the case that those in your life who are experiencing a deep need of comfort will come to you. Because where you go in large part will determine where they go. So go to the cross, go to Christ. Go to your loving Savior, He forgives freely, and doesn't deal with us as our sins deserve. Psalm 103 says he does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities. If you go to him, and receive grace and mercy, day after day, you can pretty much count on people in your world coming to you when they need forgiveness, they'll know that they will receive mercy and grace from you. So let's go to Jesus, then we can offer Jesus to others. Paul ends this chapter by asking and who is adequate for such a task is this? And the answer to that question is one only one Christ alone is adequate to this task of comforting those in need of restoring those who have sin. That He invites us to participate with him. But make no mistake about it, it is him. So let's go to him and offer him to a world that needs comfort to a world that needs forgiveness. That's the prayer that I have for my own soul. That's the prayer that I have for my family for my wife, my daughters, my son. And that's the prayer that I have for you. May it be so.

You are loved!