Daily Radio Bible - November 16th, 21
Daily Radio Bible - November 16th, 21
Daily Radio Bible Podcast
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Daily Radio Bible - November 16th, 21

Daily Radio Bible Podcast

I grew up on the Oregon coast. And I've always been fascinated with certain kinds of animals like salmon and migrating birds. These are creatures that instinctively know that they need to make their way home, that they need to come back to where things began. They don't know why or how it happens, they just know. And it's it. They're hearing and responding to a voice that says to them, Come back now, come home. And they do. They make their long, perilous journey. God's calling us back home, too. And we've been given a ministry of calling people to come on home, there's a homing device built in the hearts of people, that homing device was damaged in Adam. And ever since we are all like sheep, we've all straightaway. But Christ has undone what was done in Adam. He has reconciled the world to himself. And he's made a way for everyone, every man, woman and child, to come home to God, to the origin of their design. Paul says this in chapter five, verse 16, and following, and all of this is a gift from God, who brought us back to Himself through Christ. And God has given us this task of reconciling people to him, for God was in Christ, reconciling the world to Himself, no longer counting people's sins against them. And he gave us this wonderful message of reconciliation. So we are Christ's ambassadors. God is making his appeal through us. We speak for Christ when we plead come back to God. In other words, come back home. God has restored that homing device of yours, God has forgiven and restored you he has reconciled you to himself. So come on home, there is no distance. There is no delay I just turned to him. In the marshes of Venezuela, there's a bird hearing a stirring and it is responding. It's making a journey all the way up to the North Pole of Alaska to the Arctic Circle. It's going home where new life will begin. It is responding to the voice to come. Somewhere off the coast of Asia in the Pacific Ocean, there's a school of salmon and they too are hearing and responding to that mysterious voice that says, come and they will head back traversing the Pacific Ocean, making their way hundreds and hundreds of miles upstream into a river no one knows about because they've heard they're responding to the call to come home. He can come home to we can respond to the spirits calling. and head home where you belong, where you are embraced where you are loved. And that's the prayer that I have for my own soul. That's the prayer that I have for my family for my wife and my daughters and my son. And that's the prayer that I have for you,  may it be so.

You are loved!