Daily Radio Bible - November 5th, 21
Daily Radio Bible - November 5th, 21
Daily Radio Bible Podcast
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Daily Radio Bible - November 5th, 21

Daily Radio Bible Podcast

The law will turn you in on yourself if we are looking to it to save you.  The law miss applied will cause you to keep your focus on you, either how well you are doing, or how miserably you are failing, the focus is the same, in the end it’s all you.  

Paul knew all about the law, he was an expert in the law.  But What Paul discovered was the gospel, and the gospel, turns our eyes off of ourselves redirecting our focus on to Jesus.  Not what we have or haven’t done. But on Jesus, what he has done, and what we have become in him.  Not I but Christ.  Because that’s what the gospel does, it turns us outward, to God and to the world, as the new creatures that we are.  Paul says, I am crucified with Christ...and the life I live now, I live by the faith of the son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.  


Paul was discover that his real life is IN Christ. Not in obedience to the law.   and this was his message he would not let anyone distort or change.  Not Even Peter,  so when peter began to insist on gentiles obeying the law of circumcision, he rebuked him publicly.  Where are you looking, inward, on to yourself, are you looking to your own piety to get you into God’s good graces.  Or are you looking outward, on to Jesus, the one who loved you, and is with you, the one who has made you, and reclaimed you.  Look to him, keep your eyes focused there.  And don’t let the law, or anyone move your gaze anywhere else.  

Allow the gospel to redirect your eyes, off of the law, off of yourself, and on to Christ, who is your life.  

You are loved!