Daily Radio Bible - November 8th, 21
Daily Radio Bible - November 8th, 21
Daily Radio Bible Podcast
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Daily Radio Bible - November 8th, 21

Daily Radio Bible Podcast

His message doesn’t come with a bunch of show or pretense.  He’s not trying to build his own name or his own following. He’s not trying to present himself as a great philosopher or a renowned debater.  He has a simple sincere and Spirit-empowered message.  It’s so contrary to what the world would expect.  So much so, that he calls it the foolish preaching of the cross.  He presents the simple, sincere, Spirit-empowered, foolish preaching of the Cross. 

That message is that God, in his great love, has offered his dearly loved Son to redeem humanity, to restore and renew all that was lost.  That God has loved all of humanity so much that he has defeated death, despair and the grave and drawn us to himself, That God has fully revealing to us his loving heart and the precious value of every human life, including yours.  Now we can know who God is, and who we have become in Him.  

You are loved!