Daily Radio Bible - November 9th, 21
Daily Radio Bible - November 9th, 21
Daily Radio Bible Podcast
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Daily Radio Bible - November 9th, 21

Daily Radio Bible Podcast

Our freedom in Christ doesn’t mean autonomy or abolition from all restraint on the self.  No, it means we are free IN Christ.  He has freed us, IN HIM.  The extent to which we live in Him, will be the extent to which we will be free. As we live in Him we will resemble our Father’s heart in this world and we will paradoxically be more of who we are – in Him.  We become more of who we are when we awaken to our real life in him.  

When we live in Him, we show off our family resemblance and we become more of ourselves. Live in the light of who we are in Him.

You are loved!