Daily Radio Bible - October 11th, 21
Daily Radio Bible - October 11th, 21
Daily Radio Bible Podcast
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Daily Radio Bible - October 11th, 21

Daily Radio Bible Podcast

 Jesus has a Heart of Love for You

Today’s readings are Nehemiah 5 – 6, Psalm 146, and Luke 24.  We are reading from the New Living Translation.

When God breaks bread the Scriptures are opened. Jesus opens the minds of these two travellers from Emmaus. He enables them to understand the Scriptures. Unbeknownst to them, Jesus is walking them through the writings of Moses and the Prophets, explaining how Christ’s story is woven in and through every page. He accompanies this with the breaking of bread and the partaking of fish. And now, in light of the resurrection, he reveals himself as King and Messiah. He’s given them a portal through which to see the kingdom of God. Everything is coming into focus. Now they understand the message that’s been given to them. It’s a message of forgiveness for all those who believe, and power to live as children of God. The Gospel message is now fully known – fully accessible to all who will believe. It’s a message of forgiveness of sins.

As we come to the Word of God, we break it open, partaking of it like bread. God makes himself known to us. He demonstrates to us that we are loved and forgiven. He has given us power, by the abiding presence of his Spirit, to live His life now. He lives his life through us –

…Christ in you, the hope of glory. (Col 1:27 NLT)

This is the Gospel message that we are taking into all the world. It’s transforming people all over the world, every day. This can come home to us whether we are hiding in an upper room or walking on a long, lonely road. Christ can appear to us and break the Bread open for us. We can see from the Scriptures that he is with us – that he is ours and that we are his.

My prayer is that as you hear His Word each day, you will discover Him to be your Bread of Life.  May you experience his power, forgiveness and transforming love in your journey forward.


You are loved!