Daily Radio Bible - October 19th, 21
Daily Radio Bible - October 19th, 21
Daily Radio Bible Podcast
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Daily Radio Bible - October 19th, 21

Daily Radio Bible Podcast

How do you see yourself? Are you clean? Do you know it? Or you just hoping for it, hoping that maybe you've done enough good to make up for the stuff that you regret? Are you hoping that you can be like Cornelius, and find favor with God? Maybe by your piety, your good works? Well, let's be clear. It was God who made him clean. And now this message of peace with God has come to him, just as he is. And that salvation comes through Jesus. And this life is for all and without favoritism. Jew or Gentile alike. pious God fear or rebellious rebel, the obviously last, God makes them clean. God alone is the one who does it.

God has done that work not just for the insider, those who come from a particular family or race or class or religion. God is included all of humanity in this work. God has done that in you because of his great love and mercy for you. And for all. Peter, here's a voice from heaven, do you? Or do you just hear the same old condemning voices? self loathing voices, voices that make you cower in your spirit? Peter hears a voice from heaven? Do you? Or are you hearing those same old religious voices that see those outside of us is dirty and rejected by God. We must hear God's voice today. Instead, and stop despising. Stop the self loathing. Stop calling unclean what God has made clean. For many of us, we must reject the religious voices that keep us separate and afraid of others. Instead, we must obey the voice of God and take steps forward towards those that we don't understand toward those that we consider our enemies.

Are you clean? If you are in Christ, my friend, then the answer is a resounding yes. So live in the joy of it. Today, you're clean, and it's not what you've done. It's all him. So rest in the completion of it. It's all because of him. It's a gift to be received and lived in. That's the prayer that I have for my own soul. That's the prayer that I have for my family for my wife and my daughters and my son. And that's the prayer that I have for you. May be so

You are loved!