Daily Radio Bible - October 26th, 21
Daily Radio Bible - October 26th, 21
Daily Radio Bible Podcast
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Daily Radio Bible - October 26th, 21

Daily Radio Bible Podcast

It was something about a dead man that Paul insisted was now alive. That's what Festus said.  Festus got the message. Somehow through all the confusion and false accusations and pride and politicking and intrigue, that message was clear to him, a dead man is now alive. And this man who is now alive was God. And he radiated God's light into this dark world. He came to overcome deaths grip on humanity. He's come as the Prophet said he would to bring God's resurrection, life and light to people living in darkness. Isaiah, the prophet said, the people who walk in darkness will see a great light. For those who live in a land of deep darkness, a light will shine. That's what God has done for Paul. Paul was living in darkness, he was blind to the true nature and character of God. He was blind to what God was up to in this world, despite all his religious expertise, he could not see. So God helped him to see what he couldn't. He struck him blind. An object lesson he could not miss. And God opened his eyes. Scales came off, and he could see. And what he saw was God, revealed to him in Jesus. And what he saw in Jesus was nothing like Paul had ever imagined God to be. This Jesus was giving his light and life to Paul who had it all wrong. And this Jesus was giving his light and life to everyone who's had it all wrong. To Jews and Gentiles alike. God has come to bring the light and life to the whole world. And Paul could see it. Ours is to repent of all the ways we have it wrong about God, and follow him. Just like Paul. And when that happens, we can begin to experience the life we so deeply want the life that we were made for. Do you have it all wrong about God? Part of this Christian life is allowing God room to make those corrections, to remove those scales to help us see things we could not see. To expand the boundaries of our own heart, to give us eyes to see even more. Do you have him boxed in from loving people you are sure he cannot love and he cannot embrace? Well, then hear Paul's words today and begin to see what he saw. That's the prayer that I have for my own soul. That's the period that I have for my family for my wife, my daughters, my son, and that's the prayer that I have for you. May be so

You are loved!