Daily Radio Bible - October 5th, 21
Daily Radio Bible - October 5th, 21
Daily Radio Bible Podcast
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Daily Radio Bible - October 5th, 21

Daily Radio Bible Podcast

Esther, Mordecai, the blind man, the tax collector, they all had one thing in common. They all experienced the God who exalts the humble. The God who delights to open the eyes of his people. The tax collector, he couldn't lift up his eyes to heaven. He just sees that he is an absolute need God's mercy. And for him, Jesus says God is merciful, like the blind man and Jericho shouting out Jesus have mercy on me. When asked what he wants, Rabbi, I want to see, Jesus opens his eyes. Like Esther, who stands before the king defying the law, at the threat of her own life, on behalf of her own people, she comes into the king's presence because she needs mercy and her people they need mercy.

All these people to one degree or another believe that God is merciful, and that God opens eyes and reveals the truth. God delights in this. He invites us to participate with him in this.  Mordecai said to Esther, perhaps this is why you were made to participate in this deliverance that God has for his people. And our participation in what God is doing begins at that place of humility, seeing recognizing our need for God.

This day, my friend, no this, that God desires to open up your eyes so that you can see him as the merciful Father that he is in that humble place where you're at know that God delights to lift your head. And that's the prayer that I have for my own soul today. That's a prayer that I have for my family, for my for my wife, my daughters, my son. And that's a prayer that I have for you. Lift up your head, open your eyes. Behold, the one who is merciful in kind. may that be so

You are loved!