Daily Radio Bible - September 12th, 21
Daily Radio Bible - September 12th, 21
Daily Radio Bible Podcast
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Daily Radio Bible - September 12th, 21

Daily Radio Bible Podcast

King Nebuchadnezzar was the poster boy, for the cult of self. He had a 90 foot pure gold statue made of himself. He demanded that everyone bow down and worship this colossal monument to him. And that's what the self will do. It'll demand that you make your life a monument to you, your projects, your desires, your ambitions and reputations, it's all about you. And if it's not to you, it'll demand worship of some other narcissist. And sometimes, in fact, most times, religion joins in the frenzy, demanding everyone comply. All who refuse are done away with, condemned to flames. King Nebuchadnezzars' religious leaders, were the enforcers of the lie. And that's what religion so often does. They are the enforcers of the lie. Jesus, the servant shows us another way. He is self giving radically forgiving, and co suffering in his love for all. Even those who view him as an enemy. There's only one way to escape the white hot consuming flames of a life that's consumed with itself. And that's the way of Jesus, awakening to the servant King, not to statue of gold. Bowing our hearts to the self giving radically forgiving co suffering love of Jesus, and following his way of life, and participating with his life and his kingdom in this world will not excuse you from the fires of this world. But it will ensure that he will be with us through every fiery trial. And in the end, you like Shadrach, Meshach,  and Abednego,  will emerge from those flames into life. They defied the Kings command. And we're willing to die rather than serve or worship any god except their own God. The God who serves . Recognize the destructive law of the cult of self, refuse to build a monument to it refused to bow down to it. Instead, awaken to the servant King. look to God and be rescued by him from the flames of this world. participate with him in his kingdom and his life. His self giving life,  is radically forgiving, and co suffering life of a servant. That's the prayer that I have for my own soul. That's the prayer that I have for my family for my wife and my daughters and my son. And that's the prayer that I have for you may be so

You are loved!