Daily Radio Bible - September 3rd, 21
Daily Radio Bible - September 3rd, 21
Daily Radio Bible Podcast
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Daily Radio Bible - September 3rd, 21

Daily Radio Bible Podcast

How sobering it all is. Terror, terror, terror,  cries the eagle cries the eagle, a sword, a sword, a sword cries the Prophet, the world's great rebellion will exhaust itself in its own fury. And then God will bring this rebellion to an end. That's what the prophets are talking about God bringing the rebellion to an end. But this is what the psalmist says, Let's do despair, over the tear and the sword. He reminds us in verse seven that the righteous Lord loves justice, the virtuous will see his face. God desires to know us face to face. But our rebellion or violence, have blinded us to the face of God. So in his love and justice, he has made a way for us to meet him as he is. And as we are face to face. The seventh seal is broken by the lamb. When that happens, all heaven stops because all Heaven knows the tear and the sword that will soon be unleashed on the earth. But the psalmist reminds us, I trust in the Lord for protection. So why do you say to me fly like a bird to the mountains for safety, we can trust him for our protection and our safety. He is our mountain of safety. So we fly to him. We fly to Calvary, on that mountain, the Lamb of God absorbed all the violence and judgment and tear at the hands of his own rebellious creation. And on that mountain, he did not brandish a sword of vengeance. Instead, he extended his hands in forgiveness. And in that act, he extinguished the power of death and the grave. In that act, he made all things new. So we need not be terrorized. But like in heaven, when the seventh seal is broken, we ought to be silent. We ought to stand in silent all and worship the Lamb who breaks the seven seal and offers himself with self giving, radically forgiving, co suffering love. Take some time to be silent today. And consider the great love that was poured out for you on that mountain. God's dream for humanity is not blazing fire, or eternal destruction. No. God's dream is a world restored, may new humanity reconciled awake to the Father's heart, to life in life abundant to eternal shalom. And Jesus has come to accomplish this dream for his father, and he will not fail. Paul saw and understood this. He saw the day when Christ will become all and in all. read that in First Corinthians 15. Sadly, it doesn't take much for us to imagine the terror described in Ezekiel his vision. That's easy. We live in such a hard and harsh world. We're dark judgments abound. But God's dream of Shalom, God's dream of union with himself in Christ that might take some work that might require us to train our hearts in the way of faith, to see what God sees and what God has done. So let's keep pressing forward into the dream of God for you and for the world. fixing our eyes on him. Let's train our souls to know God face to face and know his joy. That's the prayer that I have for my own soul. That's the prayer that I have for my family for my wife, my daughters, my son and that's a prayer that I have for you may be so

You are loved!