December 11th, 20
December 11th, 20
Daily Radio Bible Podcast
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December 11th, 20

Daily Radio Bible Podcast


Today’s reading is Hebrews 5 -8.  We are reading from the New Living Translation. 

He is an anchor for your soul. The most real and essential part of your identity is your soul. Our flesh and our bodies will fail and be no more, as they are. But our soul will remain. Our soul is eternal.  Hebrews 6:19 says

This hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls. It leads us through the curtain into God’s inner sanctuary.

It’s so easy to lose ourselves in this storm-filled world.  Today our identities are coming more and more into question – Identity politics. The world tells us that the truest thing about ourselves is ___________  – fill in the blank:  our sex, our sexual preference, our gender, our race, etc….

But God anchors our truest self in deeper waters than sex, gender, or race. Christian, the truest thing about your soul is found and anchored in your union with Christ.  This anchor is held fast, in the most secure, private, and intimate of places with God – the Holy of Holies. Hebrews 6:19-20 goes on to say:

It leads us through the curtain into God’s inner sanctuary. Jesus has already gone in there for us. Heb 6:19-20 NLT)

The anchor of our soul leads us through the curtain into the inner sanctuary – that intimate, private, secure, safe place. The truest thing about you is found, and at rest, in God’s sanctuary.  A safe, private, set-aside place.  And God has set aside this place to reveal Himself to you and to reveal you to you.  He wants you to know who you really are and you will only find it there, with Him.  

So don’t let the world determine the truest thing about you.  As you walk with God and spend time in his presence, He will reveal your soul to you.

Come to him, recognizing that you are anchored in him.  Allow him to lead you into that inner sanctuary, so that you can see Him and see who you are in Him.  There you will find the life, hope, courage, and strength to move forward in joy, and be empowered to extend his love to others.


You are loved!