December 1st, 24:Exploring Romans: How God's Love Shapes Our Journey Through Faith
December 1st, 24:Exploring Romans: How God's Love Shapes Ou…
TODAY'S SCRIPTURE: TODAY'S EPISODE: Dear Beloved Listener, Greetings to you on this beautiful 1st day of December! We are so grateful to …
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December 1st, 24:Exploring Romans: How God's Love Shapes Our Journey Through Faith

TODAY'S SCRIPTURE: TODAY'S EPISODE: Dear Beloved Listener, Greetings to you on this beautiful 1st day of December! We are so grateful to have you join us as we journey through the final month of the year. As always, it is a blessing to spend time in...


Dear Beloved Listener,

Greetings to you on this beautiful 1st day of December! We are so grateful to have you join us as we journey through the final month of the year. As always, it is a blessing to spend time in the Word with you every day.

Episode Highlights:

Host: Hunter

Scripture Focus: Romans 5-8

In today's episode, Hunter delves into one of the most profound and theologically rich sections of the Bible—the book of Romans, chapters 5 through 8. These chapters offer us a powerful reminder of God's incredible grace and the transformative power of Christ’s love and sacrifice.

Key Takeaways:

  • Romans 5: We have peace with God through our faith in Jesus Christ. This chapter emphasizes the hope we have, even in suffering, because of God’s endless love and the gift of the Holy Spirit.

  • Romans 6: As we are united with Christ in His death and resurrection, we are called to live new lives, free from the power of sin.

  • Romans 7: The struggle with sin is real, but the law makes us aware of our need for Jesus, who rescues us from the power of sin and death.

  • Romans 8: There is no condemnation for those in Christ. We are now led by the Holy Spirit, called to be God's children. Nothing can separate us from God's love.

    Join Us in Prayer:

    Here are the prayers Hunter offered during the episode. Feel free to meditate on these or share them with someone in need of encouragement:

    1. Daily Preservation:

      • "Lord God, preserve us with Your mighty power. Help us not to fall into sin or be overcome by adversity. Direct us in all that we do for Your purpose. Amen."

    2. Unity and Peace:

      • "O God, bring the nations into Your fold. Pour out Your Spirit on all flesh and hasten the coming of Your kingdom through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen."

    3. Instrument of Peace:

      • "Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love; injury, pardon. For in giving, we receive, and in pardoning, we are pardoned. Amen."

    4. The Lord’s Prayer.

      • "Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name..."

    Consider Partnering with Us:

    As the year comes to a close, we humbly ask you to consider supporting the Daily Radio Bible. Your generous donations help us continue to provide this ministry free of charge and advertisement-free. We are a small, family-operated non-profit, and your support makes all the difference.

    Thank you for your continued support and for being a part of our spiritual family. Let’s show up again tomorrow and immerse ourselves in God’s Word.

    Remember: You are loved—no doubt about it!

    In Christ’s Love,

    Hunter & Heather


Lord God Almighty and everlasting father you have brought us in safety to this new day preserve us with your Mighty power that we might not fall into sin or be overcome by adversity. And in all we do, direct us to the fulfilling of your purpose  through Jesus Christ Our Lord amen.  

Oh God you have made of one blood all the peoples of the earth and sent your blessed son to preach peace to those who are far and those who are near. Grant that people everywhere may seek after you, and find you. Bring the nations into your fold, pour out your Spirit on all flesh, and hasten the coming of your kingdom through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.  

And now Lord,  make me an instrument of your peace.  Where there is hatred let me sow love. Where there is injury, pardon.  Where there is doubt, faith. Where there is despair, hope.  Where there is darkness, light.  And where there is sadness,  Joy.  Oh Lord grant that I might not seek to be consoled as to console. To be understood as to understand, to be loved as to love.  For it is in the giving that we receive, in the pardoning that we are pardoned, it is in the dying that we are born unto eternal life.  Amen

And now as our Lord has taught us we are bold to pray...

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven, give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our tresspasses as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not unto temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the Kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

Loving God, we give you thanks for restoring us in your image. And nourishing us with spiritual food, now send us forth as forgiven people, healed and renewed, that we may proclaim your love to the world, and continue in the risen life of Christ.  Amen. 

Devotional Transcript:

Amen. We are so far from home. Our whole being is lost. All of humanity is lost. It was lost in the garden. Lost to the self, lost to sin, lost because of Satan, lost because of a lie. We are so very lost, far more lost than we ever knew. And that is why God has given us the law.

Sin is so deceptive that it minimizes our plight. We are blind to how lost we are. But the law opens our eyes and shows us how far from home we truly are. God gave us his word to open our eyes. God gave us his word to prepare us to see and understand the living word, the logos, the incarnate son of God, the final word, Jesus himself. He, to use a fancy theological term, is the telos. And telos means the point or the purpose or the complete exposition of who god is and who we are in god. Humanity wasn't made for the law.

The law was made for us. Humanity was made for god. The law isn't the point. God is the point. Our life in God is what Jesus has come to demonstrate and to make possible for everyone. And the prayer of my heart is that I will see the blessing of the law, the intent and purpose of the law, and that I will let the law point me to the one that I was made for, To Jesus. He is the telos. He is the point, the purpose, and he has come to reveal himself to you and to the whole world.

That we might be set free, that we might be found, that we might come home. May god open our eyes to see him. That's the prayer that I have for my own soul, and that's the prayer that I have for my family. My wife, my daughters, and my son. And that's the prayer that I have for you. May it be so. Let's continue now in a time of prayer. Feel free to read along with these prayers in the show notes of today's podcast, and meditate on these words that are being spoken over you, your family, and our world.


We are reading through the New Living Translation.  

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