December 20th, 20
December 20th, 20
Daily Radio Bible Podcast
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December 20th, 20

Daily Radio Bible Podcast

Come Out Into the Light

John 9 - 11

“Roll the stone aside,” Jesus told them. (Jn 11:39 NLT) 

The stone was the barrier between the grave and life, between the living and the dead. That stone is an important symbol in the story of God. We all have a stone that God is wanting to move away in our lives.  What’s yours? Is there something in your past that keeps you from being fully alive? Lazarus was alive when Jesus spoke his name from the grave. But the stone still needed to be moved away.  There was still a barrier - something that stood between him, life and those that he loved. 

Trapped alive in a tomb is no life at all.  And yet this is what many Christians experience in their life.  The stone must be rolled away. That barrier of cancelled sin must be removed, and the wall of shame must come down. The stone must be removed. 

When Jesus moved that stone away, Lazarus came forth. A man once dead was alive. His grave clothes were removed and he was given new clothes. 

There is no life like a life that was once dead but is now alive.  Roll the stone away, says Jesus, and if you do, you will see God’s glory.   

Jesus responded, “Didn’t I tell you that you would see God’s glory if you believe?” (Jn 11:40 NLT)

What stone needs to be removed in you life? What is still standing in the way of you coming out of the tomb, now that Jesus has called your name.? Let him speak his word today into your life.  Hear him say these words clearly to you: 

Then Jesus shouted, “Lazarus, come out!” (Jn 11:43 NLT)

Allow him to draw you out into new life.

You are loved!