December 7th, 20
December 7th, 20
Daily Radio Bible Podcast
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December 7th, 20

Daily Radio Bible Podcast


Today’s reading is I Timothy 1 – 4.  We are reading from the New Living Translation.

How godly are you?  Strange question isn’t it?  Even the word – ‘godly’.  It seems like such an old-fashioned idea.  But Paul tells us to train ourselves to be godly. The measure of how godly we are is linked to our training. Apparently we can train ourselves to be godly.  That’s quite a thought.  

One of the things Paul encourages Timothy to do in his training in godliness, is to read the Word of God, – publicly, for him.  But for all of us, reading the Word of God is part of our training regimen in godliness.  This is so elemental.  As we train ourselves by spending time in the Word of God,  we’re washed clean and our minds are renewed.

How’s the training going?  Are you out of shape?  Do you need a coach?  Well, that’s what we’re here for. That’s what the church, Christian community and Christian friends offer each other.  That’s what this podcast is here for, and why I’m here.  We want to coach you and encourage you in your training in godliness – your life in Christ.  

Paul says, Do not waste time arguing over godless ideas and old wives’ tales. Instead, train yourself to be godly. “Physical training is good, but training for godliness is much better, promising benefits in this life and in the life to come.” (I Tim 4:7-8 NLT)

So, as your friend and coach, let’s keep training and never give up on it.  There are great benefits from it in this life and in the life to come.  The Daily Radio Bible community has been a great encouragement to me, to stay in the Word.  It has been training me in godliness. The accountability for me, of being here with you each day, has been an enormous benefit to me in my life, and I trust that it has been of benefit to you, too. Let’s keep training!

You are loved!