December 9th, 20
December 9th, 20
Daily Radio Bible Podcast
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December 9th, 20

Daily Radio Bible Podcast

 The Coach’s Corner

II Timothy 1 -4

We’re in the coach’s corner and Paul is giving us a perspective from the finish line, someone who has already won his race.  In II Timothy 4:7 Paul says, 

 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, and I have remained faithful. 

He’s standing at the finish line and looking back at his protege, Timothy, and at you and me.  And Coach Paul wants to give us some perspective.  He has a few things he wants to share with us.

Stay focussed.  There’s no off season.  Do what you’re called to do.  Preach the Word of God and offer the Gospel of Christ.  Correct, rebuke and encourage people, into and with the Gospel.  Keep a clear mind,. Renew your mind by staying focussed on the Gospel. Don’t be afraid. You’ll have to suffer in this life.  But the suffering will pass. You must keep focussed and stay in the fight.  The race has an end point.  I know.  I’m standing on the other side. I’ve run the race.  I’ve finished it.  I’ve won the prize.  And my brothers and sisters, there’s a prize that awaits us.  There’s a crown of righteousness - absolute wholeness, absolute healing, absolute joy.

Having already finished his race and looking back from that finish line, Coach Paul has us in the coaches corner, and is shouting out some courage, wisdom and perspective.  Receive it well, take it to heart.  Stay focussed and don’t be afraid.  Keep fighting the fight, keeping your mind clear, and run til the end.

You are loved!