DRB Kids March 24th, 21
DRB Kids March 24th, 21
Daily Radio Bible for Kids Podcast
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DRB Kids March 24th, 21

Daily Radio Bible for Kids Podcast

Wow, what a story. It's so strange and so wonderful. You know, there's a lot of strange things happening in this story. It's strange that Saul told Samuel that he would see two men standing beside Rachel's Tomb, who would have a message for him. And it's strange that Saul told Samuel that he would meet three other men on his way to Bethel, one with a goat, one with three loaves of bread, and one with a wineskin. And it's even stranger that Saul told Samuel, that there would be a band of profits playing instruments and prophesying. And that Saul would suddenly start joining in with them. And the strangest thing of all, is that it all came true, and all these strange things ended up happening. even though there were a lot of strange things that did happen on this day, the most amazing thing for me is this. That Saul was chosen and loved by God. And the same is true for you. And that's amazing that Saul had been changed by God. He had been given a new heart. And that's the same with you. And that's amazing. And Jesus has come to do the most amazing thing of all, to show the world his great love. And that's the most wonderful and amazing thing of all. The Bible is strange sometimes, but it always points to the Amazing love God has for the world. And that my friend, is good news.


You are loved!