February 1st, 21
February 1st, 21
Daily Radio Bible Podcast
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February 1st, 21

Daily Radio Bible Podcast

Aaron and  the people are getting carried away.  In fact, the ink hasn’t even dried yet, on this covenant agreement between God and his people, before they break it.  Moses smashes the thing, just to emphasize the fact that this thing has been shattered already. And, boy, do they break it. They break it in such grand fashion that it’s almost comical, if it wasn’t so tragic. In fact, Moses even notes that the enemies of the people, stand at a distance, amused.  They saw this dark humor, that these people who had been delivered by God, were abandoning Him so early and worshiping a god made out of their earrings!  

The treachery of the human heart is no laughing matter. And Moses pleads with God.   He appeals to the covenant promise made to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, based on the relationship that he had with these people he knew by name.  He does not appeal to the covenant law, he doesn’t appeal to God as a Judge,  .  No he appeals to his relationship, and to a  relationship he had with the Three Patriarcs, which was established in faith.   He appeals to a relationship and a covenant of faith and not of the law to save the people.  So, even Moses, a man of the law, appeals to faith.  for the salvation of the people

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