February 23rd, 25: Moses, Miriam, and Aaron: Lessons from Numbers
February 23rd, 25: Moses, Miriam, and Aaron: Lessons from N…
One Year Bible Podcast: Join Hunter and Heather Barnes on 'The Daily Radio Bible' for a daily 20-minute spiritual journey. Engage with scri…
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February 23rd, 25: Moses, Miriam, and Aaron: Lessons from Numbers

One Year Bible Podcast: Join Hunter and Heather Barnes on 'The Daily Radio Bible' for a daily 20-minute spiritual journey. Engage with scripture readings, heartfelt devotionals, and collective prayers that draw you into the heart of God's love. Embark...

One Year Bible Podcast: Join Hunter and Heather Barnes on 'The Daily Radio Bible' for a daily 20-minute spiritual journey. Engage with scripture readings, heartfelt devotionals, and collective prayers that draw you into the heart of God's love. Embark on this year-long voyage through the Bible, and let each day's passage uplift and inspire you.


Welcome to another episode of the Daily Radio Bible. Today, we join Heather on our 54th day of journeying through the scriptures, as she gently reminds us why we gather to read the Bible—not for the text alone, but because it leads us to Jesus, the source of our life. In this Sunday episode, Heather takes us through Numbers chapters 12 and 13, Psalm 90, and Mark chapter 2, offering reflections on the transformative message of God’s love and grace. Dive deeper into the stories of Moses, the exploration of Canaan, and witness Jesus's powerful acts of healing and forgiveness. As we explore these scriptures, we seek to have our hearts drawn toward Christ, the new way that offers life and redemption. Heather concludes with heartfelt prayers, calling us to be instruments of God’s peace, love, and light in the world. Join us on this enlightening journey, rooted in the promise that we are loved and called to share this love with others. Don't forget to visit us at dailyradiobible.com, like, share, and subscribe. Today, Heather also shares a personal note, celebrating 34 years of marriage with her husband, Hunter. Celebrate with us and stay tuned, as we aim to draw closer together around the fire of God’s love.


The religious leaders had questions in their hearts that stood in the way of them really understanding the healing and forgiveness of God. Sometimes our questions are more of an accusation or an indictment than they are a real question. The teachers of religious law saw Jesus extend compassion to this paralytic. They stood there and watched Jesus respond to these men who had come in faith, bringing their friend who was in need. They watched these men do outrageous things, like digging through a roof to lower their friend right smack dab in front of Jesus. These friends had interrupted all that was going on so that they could get an audience with Jesus. The teachers observed all this take place, and they saw Jesus respond, not just with compassion and healing, but with forgiveness of sins. And they objected.

They accused him. They indicted him. "What is he saying? This is blasphemy. Only God can forgive sins." Jesus said to them, why do you question this in your hearts? What was in these religious teachers' hearts was disbelief that God would really make good on his promise in scripture to send his son to heal and restore the world. They were insisting on their way, a way like all religions that had learned how to leverage sin and despair for their advantage. But Jesus, he offers a new way. He is the way.

Not that old wineskin. Not that old garment. Not us fulfilling the law or trying to. Not us trying to be faithful. Not us being holy. It's not on us. Rather, it's all God. God is fulfilling the law.

God is being faithful. God is holy. The new way is not looking to our own efforts and piety. The new way is simply looking to the one, Jesus, who has fulfilled all that was needed for a human race that is paralyzed and unable to walk upright. The gospel is a declaration of what God has done. It is already finished. It is not a transactional proposition. If you do this, God will do that.

It is not quid pro quo. No. The gospel is all God, what he has already accomplished for the world on the cross. Ours is to awaken to the new reality, the new wine that is right here right now, to awaken to the declaration of what already is. It's truly good news. You already are forgiven. You already belong to him even before you knew it. Today, let us place our hearts before the God who alone has already done all that is needed.

Today, let us hear his words spoken to the paralytic. "Your sins are forgiven. And get up, take your mat, and walk."


Lord God Almighty and everlasting father you have brought us in safety to this new day preserve us with your Mighty power that we might not fall into sin or be overcome by adversity. And in all we do, direct us to the fulfilling of your purpose  through Jesus Christ Our Lord amen.  

Oh God you have made of one blood all the peoples of the earth and sent your blessed son to preach peace to those who are far and those who are near. Grant that people everywhere may seek after you, and find you. Bring the nations into your fold, pour out your Spirit on all flesh, and hasten the coming of your kingdom through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.  

And now Lord,  make me an instrument of your peace.  Where there is hatred let me sow love. Where there is injury, pardon.  Where there is doubt, faith. Where there is despair, hope.  Where there is darkness, light.  And where there is sadness,  Joy.  Oh Lord grant that I might not seek to be consoled as to console. To be understood as to understand, to be loved as to love.  For it is in the giving that we receive, in the pardoning that we are pardoned, it is in the dying that we are born unto eternal life.  Amen

And now as our Lord has taught us we are bold to pray...

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven, give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our tresspasses as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not unto temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the Kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

Loving God, we give you thanks for restoring us in your image. And nourishing us with spiritual food, now send us forth as forgiven people, healed and renewed, that we may proclaim your love to the world, and continue in the risen life of Christ.  Amen. 

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We are reading through the New Living Translation.  

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