February 3rd, 21
February 3rd, 21
Daily Radio Bible Podcast
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February 3rd, 21

Daily Radio Bible Podcast

He is Impartial.  His Life is for Everyone.

Exodus 35-36 and Acts 10. We are reading from the New Living Translation.

Jesus’ message of life is impartial, he has no favorites, and it’s falling on everyone, regardless of nationality, political affiliation, race or gender.  It doesn’t matter. The Spirit of God is coming to undo all that was done in Adam.  And everyone is included, even those we might think are beyond the pail of God’s love.  “Don’t call unclean what I have made clean.” is  the message Peter was given. 

Cornelius was a good man but he was a broken man. His goodness came from his awareness of his brokenness.  He knew that he was no better than those people he was sent to rule over. He knew he was in need of God.  As good as he was, and as much as he feared God, he was just as capable of getting it wrong, as the next guy.  As soon as Peter walked in the door, this good man was ready to fall down and worship Peter.

Good people are falling down and worshiping the wrong things all the time. But God is sending his people -  the church -  to good people everywhere, because all our goodness can’t deliver us from falling down and worshiping the wrong things. The answer for all people,is not here is a list of things for you to do to get right with God. it’s not transactional, it’s not if you do this, then God will do that.   No it is a declaration of what God has done on behalf of all humanity.  It’s not a sales pitch, it's Good news!  It’s for everyone, and it And it must be proclaimed to everyone.  Even those you might think are unclean and far from God.   That is what Peter is learning, and that is what is being declared.  

Be renewed in the Gospel of Christ today.  As you walk in the liberating power of this message, the Spirit of God will arrange your days in spectacular fashion, even during the mundane moments, like waiting for lunch, as Peter was.  Walk in His transforming power.  He is the One who makes good people new people, broken people healed people, unclean people clean people, and dead people alive. He has done it all, and it is finished!  That’s the Gospel and it’s for everyone.  Even me and you.  Walk in the Spirit. Abide in him and he will abide in you.  He may take a seemingly mundane moment and prompt you to pray for a person.  Whatever appointment God has for you, be ready to respond to God. 

He’s impartial.  His message envelopes everyone, and you never know what miracle might be on it’s way.


You are loved!