February 5th, 21
February 5th, 21
Daily Radio Bible Podcast
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February 5th, 21

Daily Radio Bible Podcast

 It’s All a Gift

Exodus 39 - 40, Psalm 15 and Acts 12

Peter came to his senses.  He finally realized he was not in chains anymore.  He was free.  And he quickly and immediately realized that it was the Lord who broke those chains and set him free.  We are also told that the church was praying for him.  And we can’t help but draw a line from the people’s prayers to Peter’s dramatic deliverance. For all this, Peter is quick to give God the praise and acknowledge that it is from Him.  

This is so unlike what we hear from Herod - when people began to treat him and speak of him as a god, he does nothing to correct them.  He readily and gladly accepts their worship.  As a result, he is struck with worms and he dies - an absolutely horrendous and inglorious death.  What a terrible fate.

When we take the glory that is due only to God, we are not freed, no we are  consumed.  from the inside out. Living for the glory for yourself, wont bring life, wont bring freedom.   It will only bring death. No matter how splendid that life might appear.  God is the only one who brings about good in our life.  He’s the only one who has broken the chains humanity was bound to.  He is the only one who has rescued us from the dark dungeon we have been sentenced to. He has set you free.   It’s all a work from God, lest any of us should boast.  

Let’s awaken from the fog, like Peter, standing in the middle of the street, suddenly realizing what God has done.   He’s broken chains, he’s open the gates, he has walked with us into a life of freedom and hope.   God has done it all.  Let’s make sure we’re like Peter and give God the glory for all the good that’s come into our life.  It’s all from him.  Any victories that we’ve experienced, growth we’ve known as Christians, any new understanding of God’s love - it’s all a gift from Him.  These things are from God, not us, but they are all for us, for our joy for our freedom, but for His glory.  

Live fully aware, in the knowledge that God is the source of your freedom and life.  He is the One what has caused the chains to come off.  It’s all because of Him. 

You are loved!