January 1st, 21
January 1st, 21
Daily Radio Bible Podcast
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January 1st, 21

Daily Radio Bible Podcast

A life without shame.   That’s how the Story begins. But in the chapters ahead we will see that we have been robbed of a life without shame.  We will soon read all about that, and the devastation that ensues.  But as we read through the whole story of God, we will find that it doesn’t end there.  We will discover that God has sent his son - the second Adam - who will do everything in order to restore us to that place with God, without shame. 

As you come to the Scriptures, know that God offers you a life free of shame - a life lived with God.  That’s the whole point of this amazing Story of the Bible that’s been given to us.  God has come to us in Christ, and he’s offering us a real, abundant,  shame-free, forgiven life. 

Maybe you went through this past year carrying a whole lot of shame.  This year can be different. Come each day, to the Word, and receive from God the good news - a way forward without condemnation and shame. May you walk in greater freedom, without shame, with God, each and every day that God gives you of this year. We have another 364 days to discover the truth of it.  

You are loved!