January 21st, 21
January 21st, 21
Daily Radio Bible Podcast
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January 21st, 21

Daily Radio Bible Podcast

Come Early and Receive all that He Has.

Exodus 1 - 2, Psalm 88 and Luke 21

Luke tells us at the end of this passage that the crowds gathered at the temple, early each morning, to hear Jesus  That may be what you are doing right now, early in the morning, coming to hear him.  

We live in a world in flux, where city walls and kingdoms fall, where babies are born in perilous times and places - like Moses.  In that kind of world, where the earth shakes and the oceans rise and fall, there’s one thing that doesn’t shift or collapse or crumble. That one thing, Jesus says, is the Word of God.  When we see the rattle and hum, the rise and fall, the collapse and chaos - when we see all these things take place, we can know that the kingdom of God is near.  It ought to comfort us, that when things are falling apart, the kingdom of God is rising up.  

Heaven and earth will disappear, but my words will never disappear. Lk 21:33 NLT

When things are falling apart at the seams, the word of God keeps things sewn together.  The Messiah of Israel, the enduring word of God, being spoken of here, is a person, Jesus Christ himself.  We can call on him like the folks at the end of Luke 21.  

Early each day, amidst all of life’s uncertainties, the ebb and flow, the rise and fall - we can come to him as our refuge, strength, comforter, and wisdom. We can come each day, to be reminded of our new identity in the Living Word.  We can discover what it means to abide in the living Word - to live in him and he in us. We can come and experience the joy and fruitfulness and goodness of it all.  

Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me.  If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.(Jn 15:4,7 ESV)

Let’s discover more and more of this, every day of our life.  Come to the word early each day, like the folks in Luke 21.  Magnificent buildings and even kingdoms,  come and go.  Sometimes it all just falls apart, but there is a person, the living word of God, that will keep us together.  Heaven and earth will fade away but the living Word of God, Jesus, remains.   Keep coming to him each morning to receive all that he has for you each day.

You are loved!