January 25th, 21
January 25th, 21
Daily Radio Bible Podcast
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January 25th, 21

Daily Radio Bible Podcast

A Night to Remember

Today’s readings are Exodus 12-13; Psalms 21 and Acts 1. We are reading through the New Living Translation.

It was a night to remember,  It was a horrific night. when judgement struck the firstborn of Egypt.   But for everyone who put the blood of a spotless lamb over their doorposts, death passed over them.  Though death was executing judgement on some,  it did not and could not, for others, because a substitute was offered instead, a spotless Lamb.  

“The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, “Look! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!” (Jn 1:29)  All through the New Testament we see it spoken of.  

In I Cor 5:7 we’re told that “Christ, our Passover Lamb, has been sacrificed for us.”

2 Cor 5:19 “God was in christ reconciling the world to himself.” 

In this, we see that we are  reconciled to Him by the shedding of his blood, for us.  With that, Jesus has won our peace with God.  

This is a day to be remembered.  It is the beginning of days, where life begins.  We can look back on the moment when, as a guilty sinner, we humbly confessed our need for Him and claimed Jesus Christ as our Savior – the one who, alone, gives us peace with God.  It is the beginning of days on the darkest of nights. 

The Israelites were told to eat this Passover meal with a staff in their hand.  When God reconciles us to himself, brings us to life through his death, he does that, fully intending that we start walking.  Participating with Him, in the new life that you have in him.  Part of what this new life has purchased for us is the ability to walk with Him. The Israelites had to go through the Red Sea, through the wilderness, and into the land of Canaan. We have been offered salvation from condemnation of our sins, so that we can go on a life-changing walk with God. 

This walk of life takes us into the land of promise and blessing.   There will be battles along the way. Through our Red Sea and through all of life’s challenges, we are walking with him.  It’s not just about getting us out of Egypt and into the desert.  It’s about getting us into the Land…to bring us from death to Life!

Salvation isn’t simply to clear the decks and reconcile us to God.  It’s also a salvation that puts a staff in our hand and calls us to walk with him, learn from him, and experience his life now, daily, not just when we die.

Move forward in faith,  in the Life that has been purchased for you, in Christ. Learn what it is to walk in Him and He in you.  

It’s his power that has delivered us from our Egypt.  And it’s his power that will enable us to live in the Land of Promise and blessing today.

You are loved!