January 3rd, 21
January 3rd, 21
Daily Radio Bible Podcast
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January 3rd, 21

Daily Radio Bible Podcast

Proof Of Life

Today’s reading is from Genesis 6-8 and Luke 3. We are reading through the New Living Translation.

Noah sends out a dove three times, for proof of life.  God has sent judgement  on the earth and Noah sends out a dove, to see if there is still life amidst the remains of His judgement.  Three times he releases this dove.  The first time, the dove returns, having found nothing to rest upon.  It found no life-only water, and evidence of judgement.  But, seven days later, he sends it out again, and this time it comes back with proof of life – a fresh olive branch in its beak.  It was fresh!  It was miraculous! The branch had grown, matured, and was fresh, within 7 days.  It was God, recreating his creation.  Just as the first creation happened in seven days, so, now we have new creation springing up in seven days.  There is a fresh olive branch to be found, in seven days!  Noah releases the dove again, a third time.  Notice this.  This time the dove doesn’t come back. The third time he releases the dove for more proof of life, it doesn’t come back.

The next time we see this dove, it will offer proof of life.  It’s going to be in the wilderness.  There’s a fiery prophet who is warning the world of God’s judgement to come.  He’s preparing the way for God’s great Servant, the Messiah, to come and rescue the world.  He is someone greater than Noah, Abraham or any of the prophets.  It’s at this moment, in the flowing Jordan waters of baptism, not the waters of judgement, that the dove shows up again, for the third time!  This time, like the last, he brings final proof of life.  It’s not an olive branch this time, but the Branch of Jesse – the One Jeremiah foretold.

““Behold, the days are coming, declares the LORD, when I will raise up for David a righteous Branch, and he shall reign as king and deal wisely, and shall execute justice and righteousness in the land.”  (Jeremiah 23:5)

He is our proof of life!  The dove has brought God’s ultimate and final proof, and it’s the Righteous Branch, it’s Jesus himself.  Jesus not only bring us through the floods of life but he has come to live IN his people.  He brings proof of Life into the day-to-day lives of His children, by abiding in them.  The dove has returned a third and final time!  In him we have proof of life – abundant and free!

I pray that you see the Proof of Life – reach out and receive Him,  like Noah reaching out and receiving the dove that came back to him.  Reach out and receive this abiding life of Christ, living in you and through you.  Hear the same words that were spoken from Heaven,…this is my Son, in whom I am well pleased.  Receive the proof of life, the Holy Spirit, abiding in you.  God is well pleased with you today.  It’s not by anything you have done or will do, but what Christ has done in, and for, you.  Rejoice in the voice of affirmation that comes to you today!

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